film/cinema style picture profile on a F-350. Any ideas?

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film/cinema style picture profile on a F-350. Any ideas?

Post by dcbeartastic » November 25th, 2013, 9:03 pm


We are a group of filmmakers from Denmark who are going to make a short movie. We have a broadcast Sony PMW 350 camera, but are looking into changing the style of the camera from a NEWS/ENG/EFP style to a more film/cinema style. Any suggestions on how to do that is worth a tousand thanks.

More specific:
Cam setup
progressive or interlaced
black level and so forth.
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Re: film/cinema style picture profile on a F-350. Any ideas?

Post by alisterchapman » November 27th, 2013, 9:43 am

That's a big ask. Progressive will help, but really a huge part of the film look comes from the use of a large sensor with shallow depth of field. I would use Cinegamma 3, and reduce the detail level to -12, but the F350 is still going to look like a video camera.
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Re: film/cinema style picture profile on a F-350. Any ideas?

Post by dcbeartastic » December 2nd, 2013, 7:51 pm

Thanks :) We got a hold on some Prime Lenses, we hope could help os on the way to a more filmstyle look. Our other option is to shoot it on a panasonic AG-AF101, it would help with the large sensor, but our school's lenses are not that great and the material can only be recorded in 8-bit (do the the schools work flow) versus the 350's 10-bit. So we're weighing our option, pros and cons. It's not easy :)
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Re: film/cinema style picture profile on a F-350. Any ideas?

Post by alisterchapman » December 4th, 2013, 8:37 am

The 350 is 8 bit.
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