Matching FS700 and 7D

This is where to discuss Sony's FS700 camcorder.
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Matching FS700 and 7D

Post by PeteOBrien » August 24th, 2012, 6:56 pm


I'm shooting an interview for TV next week with my FS700 and Canon 7D. I just wanted to know if anyone has tried to match the profiles of these cameras. Also if anyone has a recommendation for Frame Rates to use and shutter speeds for each camera.


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Re: Matching FS700 and 7D

Post by alisterchapman » September 4th, 2012, 6:42 pm

If your shooting for TV, then you should use the frame rate required by the broadcaster. Shutter speed will then depend on the frame rate your using and whether your shooting P or I.

I think PP2 is supposed to have a DSLR like look off the top of my head.
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